Sunday, September 24, 2017

Hard Truths

One of the hardest things for a human being to face is an unpleasant truth about themselves or someone they love. When someone who cares points out a serious character flaw you have, or a wrong action you did, it is human nature to become defensive, offer up excuses, or even lash out at the person bringing correction. Newsflash: correction does not equal attack. Yet, for some reason, human nature puts the corrected person into fight or flight mode: fight the corrector, or run from the problem. 
There is a remedy for this: humility. Not the false humility that whines, "Well, no one is perfect." Rather, the willingness to take a long, hard look at yourself (or your loved one), without crying to others about how that person who corrected you is attacking you. The willingness to take a step back and really examine yourself, and decide if the flaw or action that was pointed out is something you would overlook in someone else. 
Don't fight. Don't run. In the end, you are only fighting and running from yourself, and you will never succeed; because every time you look in the mirror, there you are. Face the ugly truths about yourself, and make things right. Life is too short to live dishonestly.

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