Wednesday, June 28, 2017

I am who I am- Thoughts on Exodus 3:7-15 and 6:1-8

As I contemplate the sorrow of my family upon learning of the passing of a dear relative, my Bible study assignment this week seems most fitting to the occasion. 
Looking at Exodus, we are told in 3:9, "And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them." (NIV
And also in Exodus 6:2-3, we read, "God also said to Moses, “I am the Lord. 3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty,[a] but by my name the Lord[b] I did not make myself fully known to them." (NIV)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Endings and Beginnings, Part 1

This week, my youngest baby is finishing PreK. Within the next few weeks, she will be in Kindergarten. I am so thankful to personally be on her educational journey with her, because we homeschool her.
PreK was an extra exciting year for me, as one of my favorite curriculum companies, My Father's World, released a brand new PreK program, called Voyage of Discovery, just in time to begin with my little one when she turned four. When I saw it, I knew it was the right balance of seat-work, hands-on activities, imaginative play, and outdoor play for my girl. Not only that, but it was full of Biblical instruction for her, and encouragement for me 😍
It was also exciting for her, learning from the Bible, character, loving and serving others, household chores, letter sounds, math concepts, science concepts, and games to play-outdoors and in, a well as enjoying many great read-aloud books together (a few hundred!)
As beautiful as it has been, all good things come to an end. So this week, we say goodbye to PreK. It is bittersweet. Not just because we are finishing a school year, but because it marks a rite of passage for my youngest child. She is, slowly but surely, growing up. She is growing bigger, wiser, and kinder, and that is what a mother hopes for her children.
But when one thing ends, another begins. So, as we wrap up PreK and soon begin Kindergarten, my youngest child transitions from a Preschool-aged child to a school-aged child. We will continue this journey with My Father's World's freshly updated Kindergarten curriculum, called God's Creation from A to Z, and continue moving toward future endings and beginnings.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Lighter Side: Survival Skills for the Introverted, Middle-aged Parent of an Extroverted Preschooler

I am the middle-aged mother of four adults. I am also the middle aged mother of one lively four-year-old. These statements alone sound like the set-up for an amusing joke. And, indeed, there are days when my main survival tactic is to sit back and laugh. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
What is it like to have a young child when the rest are grown or nearly grown? I will answer that by listing some things I have learned in hindsight:
1. I had a lot more energy when I was in my twenties. I used to run and climb in the playground with my kids. Now, I can be found sitting on a bench, finding a myriad of polite ways to decline my child's pleas for me to join her on the slide. Which brings me to...
2. Siblings who are close in age can entertain each other. I am now my four-year-old's main source of entertainment.
Me: I love playing with you sweetheart, but I just need to go to the bathroom now. I'll be back in a little bit.
Her: Okay, Mommy.
Her **Two seconds after I sit on the toilet** : MOOOMMMY, where are you??
Me: Sigh.
3. Extroverted children like to talk. A LOT. My older children are varying degrees of introverts, or at least extroverts with introvert tendencies. Which means they all have moments of needing quiet reflection and recharging. Not the little one. It is rare that she stops talking, other than to eat, and sometimes not even then. Her little brain is always going. Did I mention she is also an early riser? My brain isn't awake till about 9 AM, so I have to fake it for two hours.
Her: Mooommmy, can we play a game now?
Me: Mmhmm. In a little bit.
**Three minutes later**
Her: **pokes my face** Mommy, lets play!!
Me: Ow. **ZZZ**
Me: Sigh.
But lest I sound like a mean mommy, here are a few other things I've learned:
1. I have a bit more wisdom than when I was in my twenties. I used to overreact to the smallest things and miss the sweetest things. I like to think my four-year-old has helped change my perspective.
2. Siblings who are far in age can be close in heart. I love watching my older children interact with their baby sister. She lights up when she sees them, and I can just see the love in their eyes, too.
Her: I love you, Bob!!
Big sister: I love you too, Pookie.
Me: Sigh :)
3. Extroverted children show their feelings freely. This means the bad with the good: sometimes, she can have a whopper of a bad mood. But when she's happy, it's downright contagious.
Her: Mommy?
Me **Slightly exasperated from a few hours of nonstop chatter**: Yes, honey.
Her: You're the BEST Mommy I ever had in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!
Me: Thank you sweetie. I love you so much.
Her: I love you so much, too!!
**Smothers me in hugs and kisses**
Me: Sigh <3